Project Management

 Business case and project initiation

Produced to justify the cost and effort of providing the new service.

Requirements gathering and analysis

The process to identify and analyse the requirements for the service or change. Understanding fully what a project will deliver is critical to its success


The early phase of the project where key features, structure, criteria for success are all planned out. This can be done on paper using sketches or flowcharts etc


The physical aspect where you are building the hardware, the servers and network.


Testing is vital to ensure the new service or change meets your needs

Implement or deploy

Launching the new service or change in a live environment

Deliver and support

The service is now in the live or production environment and is being used by the users. Our team must now make sure the service is working and fix any issues that might arise.


Once the new service or change has been operational for a while its often possible to improve how its delivered.

Would you like to start a project with us?

The first step towards better IT Support for your school is to have a chat with one of our team. You can call, email or fill in the form with your details to get started.